Erica Mena That whole getting married live, having the fans pick the cake, all that stuff… That was my idea. – Erica Mena Cake Quotes Fans Quotes Idea Quotes Live Quotes Married Quotes Pick Quotes Stuff Quotes Marriage is a serious thing. I’m such a true Puerto Rican.
Abhimanyu Singh When you work with Vikram, you give your best. It brought out the best in me. – Abhimanyu Singh
ChristmasTony Bradman I have to confess that I’ve never been a great fan of Christmas or, as it’s known in our house, The Monster That Ate the Last Third of the Year. It’s mostly the rampant consumerism I object to, but I’m also a little wary of the annual crop of new Christmas stories and sometimes wonder why anyone bothers. – Tony Bradman
Paula Patton For me, anything that you take on, you want to be challenged. That’s what makes the job exciting. – Paula Patton
Caleb Plant Boxing is an imitation of life. You get knocked down and you get back up. You don’t quit no matter how dark it gets, or whatever adversity passes your way. You just got to keep biting down and fighting, coming up the other side and not quitting, no matter what. – Caleb Plant
Misha Collins I paid my way through college as a carpenter and a woodworker. So I’ve built the house I live in and most of the furniture that’s in it, and I do a lot of woodworking still. – Misha Collins
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