FreedomLester Maddox That’s part of American greatness, is discrimination. Yes, sir. Inequality, I think, breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity. – Lester Maddox American Quotes Breeds Quotes Discrimination Quotes Freedom Quotes Greatness Quotes Inequality Quotes Opportunity Quotes Sir Quotes I was born in April of 1966, on the eve of the Cultural Revolution. Soon after, my parents and grandparents all lost personal freedom simply for being intellectuals. So I spent most of my childhood rotating between adopted families of peasants and coalminers. It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree.
Leonard Susskind Whether or not evolution is compatible with faith, science and religion represent two extremely different worldviews, which, if they coexist at all, do so most uncomfortably. – Leonard Susskind
Patrick deWitt The hardest thing in the world for a writer is to amass a readership. So many good books come out, and so many good books disappear. – Patrick deWitt
Steve Hilton The Democrats are up to their necks in foreign meddling. Nancy Pelosi took money from Ukraine lobbyists. Chuck Schumer took money from Saudi Arabia and Mexico. – Steve Hilton
Ricky Williams I started practicing yoga. I started learning some hands-on healing stuff. And I found really good chiropractors, really good massage therapists, and what I found is I’ve been able to actually peel off layers of trauma on my body and actually move better now than I did. – Ricky Williams
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