Billy Crystal That’s the thing about jazz: it’s free flowing, it comes from your soul. – Billy Crystal Flowing Quotes Jazz Quotes Soul Quotes My dad had two, sometimes three jobs. Besides running the Commodore Music Shop in Manhattan, he did jazz concerts, and he ran this great jazz label, Commodore. In the late 1960s, I was working as an usher for the New York stage production of ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.’
Sadie Jones Remove all the traffic lights, yellow lines, one-way systems and road markings, and let blissful anarchy prevail. I imagine it would produce a kind of harmony. – Sadie Jones
Summer Sanders When I was training for the Olympics, I didn’t eat the way I should have. I missed out on much-needed protein and opted for every easy carb. – Summer Sanders
Ben Lovett There’s no platform for an unsigned music scene in the main cities – it’s all hyped acts or showcases behind closed doors. I read about artists that are doing it ‘the old-fashioned way’ and touring, as if that’s a unique thing to do – well, that should just be the way it is. – Ben Lovett
Ricky Whittle The Ricky that the public see, whether it be on screen as a character, in public, or on social media, is very outgoing, and I’m a bit of a class clown. Then those who are closest to me know that I can be very sensitive. I can be quite insecure about myself. – Ricky Whittle
Frankie Boyle People feel much more comfortable with the ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ version of women’s liberation: possibly feeling life would be much simpler if the suffragettes hadn’t wanted the vote and just really enjoyed chaining themselves to railings. – Frankie Boyle
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