Ryan Guzman That’s what I love about acting. There’s never a set role. You can be a firefighter, you can be a baseball player, you can be whatever you want in the acting world. I think I’ve found my calling. – Ryan Guzman Acting Quotes Baseball Quotes Calling Quotes Firefighter Quotes Love Quotes Player Quotes Role Quotes Set Quotes Girls come up to me and start crying. Or they’re so nervous, they are shaking. Some have tried to sneak grabs of my abs and my butt! My favorite fighter is Anderson Silva.
Roy Campanella You have to have a lot of little boy in you to play baseball for a living. – Roy Campanella
C Everett Koop That is why we are working with these various groups that have volunteers. We can get a lot of these things done. Nobody has dropped out, and a lot of people would like to join. We now know what each other does. – C Everett Koop
John de Lancie I’m of the opinion that it flies in the face of reason not to believe. The odds are too great against you to not believe that there is some sort of extraterrestrial life out there. – John de Lancie
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