Simon Pegg That’s what we wanted to get across in that moment, particularly when Shaun goes to the shop when he’s all hung over. He doesn’t notice any of the zombies around him just because he never had before, so why should he at that point? – Simon Pegg Hung Quotes Moment Quotes Notice Quotes Shaun Quotes Shop Quotes Zombies Quotes Also, if you watch the film once, there are lots of things that you won’t get because there are punch lines in the first act, the setup to which isn’t until the second act. There’s this thing of you can live in a city and be completely alone, not notice anything going on around you.
Shaggy When I look back at the people who shaped me, that made a difference in my life, most of them were women. – Shaggy
David Amram When you are accompanying someone, you are listening to them the way you listen to a Bach Chorale, where four parts are going on at the same time, all of which are gorgeous melodies, all being played simultaneously. – David Amram
Perfume Genius There’s a book called ‘You’re Not a Stranger Here’ by Adam Haslett – short stories, a lot of them are about mental illness and gay people – that classic combination. But they’re really well-written, really powerful. It’s pretty good. – Perfume Genius
Cole Swindell Every year since we got started, I think that it’s going to get harder to top it, but with all the support, somehow things keep getting better. That must mean we are doing something right, so we’re just going to try to keep doing what we’re doing. – Cole Swindell
ChanceWaylon Jennings Don’t ever try and be like anybody else and don’t be afraid to take risks. – Waylon Jennings
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