Cary Fukunaga The anticipation-speculation that comes with a weekly schedule is a double-edged sword. Because people have more time to talk about things, some crazy ideas get a lot of attention. – Cary Fukunaga Anticipationspeculation Quotes Attention Quotes Crazy Quotes Doubleedged Quotes Ideas Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Schedule Quotes Sword Quotes Talk Quotes Time Quotes Weekly Quotes In TV, you have no time and sort of just carpet bomb the scene with as many angles as possible as quickly as possible and find it in the edit. After ‘Sin Nombre,’ I just needed to take a break to go to completely different worlds.
Karin Slaughter If I wasn’t a writer, I would probably be a watchmaker. I like putting puzzles together, and that is what a watch is, figuring out how all the gears and everything else works together. I’m patient and good at focusing on a single task. – Karin Slaughter
Soon-Yi Previn Woody says I can make jokes, but I don’t get them – I’m always looking deeper for the meanings. – Soon-Yi Previn
Bradley WigginsChristmas Things change; your priorities change in life. So I’d never think of riding 100 miles on Christmas Day now, because I’ve got two kids, and it’s selfish. – Bradley Wiggins
Lolly Adefope Yeah, Patrice Johnson is an incredible actress. She makes it real easy to cry when she cries. – Lolly Adefope
Jim Boeheim I love Charles Barkley, he’s a good friend of mine and he’s a funny guy. He knows nothing about college basketball. Less than nothing. – Jim Boeheim
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