David Boies The Audio Home Recording Act directly says that noncommercial copying by consumers is lawful. – David Boies Audio Quotes Consumers Quotes Copying Quotes Lawful Quotes Noncommercial Quotes Recording Quotes Obviously I’m a lawyer; I like to have cases. Napster’s only alleged liability is for contributory or vicarious infringement. So when Napster’s users engage in noncommercial sharing of music, is that activity copyright infringement? No.
Keith Flint We don’t feel like we changed from rave, because we were never rave, to punk, because we’re not punk. – Keith Flint
Mauro Ranallo I was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder at 19, which I thought would derail my career. Thankfully, I was able to get help and continue the path, and I think, for me, the buzzword is perseverance. – Mauro Ranallo
Ivan Turgenev Nature creates while destroying, and doesn’t care whether it creates or destroys as long as life isn’t extinguished, as long as death doesn’t lose its rights. – Ivan Turgenev
Jack Hemingway My father was my hero, both for the physical things he could do and for the values he taught me, about honesty and standing up for what you believe in. I never felt like I was living in his shadow. – Jack Hemingway
Betty Gabriel I remember seeing ‘The Babadook’ and I thought that was such a wonderfully dramatic story but told with these horrifying elements, and that’s incredible. It did give me nightmares but I was glad that I watched it. – Betty Gabriel
Norman Borlaug As far as plants are concerned, they can’t tell whether that nitrate ion comes from artificial chemicals or from decomposed organic matter. – Norman Borlaug
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