David Tennant The bad guys probably get the better lines, don’t they? And they wear less spandex. That would be quite good. – David Tennant Bad Quotes Guys Quotes Lines Quotes Spandex Quotes Wear Quotes Twitter! It’s like being stalked by committee! When you’re older, you want to be scared because you understand more where the boundaries between fantasy and reality are, and I suppose they are more blurred the younger you are.
George Saintsbury The Italian prose tale had begun to exercise that influence as early as Chaucer’s time: but circumstances and atmosphere were as yet unfavourable for its growth. – George Saintsbury
Doug Davidson It’s much easier for me to be silly than it is to be serious on soap opera. – Doug Davidson
BusinessThomas G Stemberg One of the people who most influenced me was Ben Shapiro, a marketing professor at the business school. He used to rant and rave and pound his fist: ‘It’s all about the customers!’ And he was right. He was also right that, at that time, retailing was devoid of really talented people; he urged me to go in that direction. – Thomas G Stemberg
Josh Hart Trash-talking’s a part of basketball. At the end of the day after the game, it’s all love. – Josh Hart
Bjarne Stroustrup It is easy to study the rules of overloading and of templates without noticing that together they are one of the keys to elegant and efficient type-safe containers. – Bjarne Stroustrup
Sabaa Tahir In fantasy and science fiction, world-building is an essential part of the story. But as a reader, I don’t just want descriptions of food, clothing, and places. I want to understand the world to its core, through the eyes of those who live in it. – Sabaa Tahir
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