Steve Jurvetson The bad news is that most traditional VCs have a youth bias that they will state very overtly. You always wonder if that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy or if it’s something about the nature of those businesses. – Steve Jurvetson Bad Quotes Bias Quotes Businesses Quotes Nature Quotes News Quotes Overtly Quotes Prophecy Quotes Selffulfilling Quotes Traditional Quotes Vcs Quotes Youth Quotes There was a time and a place when a pure content start-up had a chance, and that time has passed. There are many good ideas out there that never get an audience.
Rick SpringfieldThankful I’m thankful for serendipitous moments in my life, where things could’ve gone the other way. – Rick Springfield
Azim Premji Private sector cannot substitute the role of the government in primary education. – Azim Premji
Samin Nosrat A successful shrimp boil requires layering ingredients into the pot so that everything is done cooking at once. A carefully timed choreography dictates the order in which ingredients are added to ensure no one has to eat raw potatoes or chewy shrimp. – Samin Nosrat
Corey Stoll I grew up really into comic books, and I actually thought I was going to be a comic-book artist. That was my ambition before I realized I couldn’t keep characters looking the same from panel to panel. – Corey Stoll
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