Glenda Jackson The best teacher is an audience. The ideal performance is when that group of strangers sitting in the dark gets energy from the group in the light and sends energy back to us. When it really works, a perfect circle is formed. – Glenda Jackson Audience Quotes Circle Quotes Dark Quotes Energy Quotes Formed Quotes Ideal Quotes Light Quotes Perfect Quotes Performance Quotes Sends Quotes Sitting Quotes Strangers Quotes Teacher Quotes Rock Hudson. He was an absolute human being. Charming, funny, real. You don’t do a play to compete for an award. This was the argument I always had over the Oscars. I didn’t win them. They were given to me. All I did was 2 films. People always say the analogy is Olympic gold medals.
Cat Zingano I need to show my son that when things get hard and rough – not if, when – you have to keep going; you have to move forward. – Cat Zingano
Rick Harrison In the ’90s, I went on eBay to buy some paddle tires for my four-wheeler ATV and couldn’t find any. When I did find a manufacturer that sold them, I bought 20,000 and had no problem reselling them. So the next time you get mad when you can’t find an item, realize there’s a market waiting to be explored. – Rick Harrison
Barry Hannah I wouldn’t be happy had I only been a teacher, if all I had done was help young people, frankly. I don’t get nearly the joy teaching as I do out of creation. – Barry Hannah
Margaret Thatcher If you lead a country like Britain, a strong country, a country which has taken a lead in world affairs in good times and in bad, a country that is always reliable, then you have to have a touch of iron about you. – Margaret Thatcher
August Wilson My influences have been what I call my four Bs – the primary one being the blues, then Borges, Baraka, and Bearden. – August Wilson
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