Oren Etzioni The biggest reason we want autonomous cars is to prevent accidents. – Oren Etzioni Accidents Quotes Autonomous Quotes Biggest Quotes Cars Quotes Prevent Quotes Reason Quotes When you have a large amount of data that is labeled so a computer knows what it means, and you have a large amount of computing power, and you’re trying to find patterns in that data, we’ve found that deep learning is unbeatable. The truth is that behind any AI program that works is a huge amount of, A, human ingenuity and, B, blood, sweat and tears. It’s not the kind of thing that suddenly takes off like ‘Her’ or in ‘Ex Machina.’
Lucy Beaumont Yeah, it constantly feels like you’re constantly checking if you’re funny enough, because I think this country’s naturally funny. I think the sort of culture of the country. So if you’re saying you’re a funny person, you’ve got quite big boots to fill. – Lucy Beaumont
Michael Mann Suffice it to say, every actor works differently. Laurence Olivier would put on his costume and when the wardrobe was right, he was in character. That sounds superficial, but it’s true, and look at the results. – Michael Mann
Junot Diaz My greatest responsibility is to acknowledge the mistakes and the shortcomings of the country in which I live, to acknowledge my privileges, and to try to make it a better place. – Junot Diaz
Clemence Poesy I constantly make fashion mistakes but I think it’s good to take risks. – Clemence Poesy
Catherine Keener I… had guys on the set who didn’t like me… they weren’t interested in the cold character. – Catherine Keener
Dave Rubin People who are for diversity of thought, actually, are okay with hearing some opinions that they don’t like. I quite literally see none of that on the Left. – Dave Rubin
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