SpaceSubrahmanyan Chandrasekhar The black holes of nature are the most perfect macroscopic objects there are in the universe: the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time. – Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Black Quotes Concepts Quotes Construction Quotes Elements Quotes Holes Quotes Macroscopic Quotes Nature Quotes Objects Quotes Perfect Quotes Space Quotes Time Quotes Universe Quotes We can spend Rs 5,000 for a meal at the Taj and thousands on all kinds of shopping, but we’re always stingy about books. We always think of borrowing. Why? Writers can use some support. If you have space and money, you should buy your own books. I would have taken whatever hand I was dealt. Space was it.
Charlene Tilton I don’t have muscle tone. I’m just flab. I’m not a daredevil. I don’t like pain, I don’t like cold, I don’t want to feel exhausted. But the sense of accomplishment is something I’ve never felt before, in a physical sense. – Charlene Tilton
Mian Muhammad Mansha Banks need to have large shareholders on the board that have a direct interest in their performance. – Mian Muhammad Mansha
StrengthThomas Huxley Freedom and order are not incompatible… truth is strength… free discussion is the very life of truth. – Thomas Huxley
Charlie Trotter I got on a Dostoyevsky kick right after college. I started with ‘Crime and Punishment,’ went on to ‘The Possessed’ and then ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘The Idiot.’ – Charlie Trotter
Angelos Postecoglou Im keen to keep coaching for a very long time. Im not in old at 52 in coaching terms, Ive still got quite a few years ahead of me and Ill back myself in any league or in any position to have success. – Angelos Postecoglou
DeAndre Jordan What I am today, is from Houston and my friends, my closest friends, we all went to high school together. – DeAndre Jordan
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