David Augsburger The book of the Psalms, which is the primary devotional literature of the whole Bible, is full of complaints. – David Augsburger Bible Quotes Book Quotes Complaints Quotes Devotional Quotes Literature Quotes Primary Quotes Psalms Quotes Wherever chocolate is made, chocolate is chocolate. And any month that contains the letter a, e, i, o, or u is the proper time to share it with others.
Ben Howland You’re not going to see Bill Walton or Kareem coming in every three years. Those days are over. That’s what makes the job so difficult. But it’s the dream job for anyone who has spent a career in coaching and has a sense of what UCLA means. – Ben Howland
John Green I’m a very introverted person. Nothing that’s happened has changed that, but one of the reasons I write for teens is it’s a real privilege to have a seat at the table in the lives of young people when they’re figuring out what matters to them. – John Green
No ID Trophies or no trophies, we are all just striving to do some really good art and help people’s lives with it. – No ID
AgeGeorge Foreman The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income. – George Foreman
Jen Sincero Pay attention to how you think and speak, and if it turns out that you’re sounding snide or crappy or doubtful, make the conscious decision to change. – Jen Sincero
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