Michael Connelly The books I’ve written the fastest were the best reviewed and sold the best. – Michael Connelly Books Quotes Fastest Quotes Reviewed Quotes Sold Quotes Written Quotes My experience as a newspaper reporter was invaluable in terms of getting me to the kind of writing I do now. It gave me a work ethic of writing every day and pushing through difficult creative times. I mean, there’s no writer’s block allowed in a newsroom. As a former reporter, I wrote ‘The Scarecrow’ quickly – I didn’t have to think about what the character would do the way I do with Harry Bosch.
Mario Vargas Llosa My three years in politics was very instructive about the way in which the appetite for political power can destroy a human mind, destroy principles and values, and transform people into little monsters. – Mario Vargas Llosa
Marne Levine Having the ability to relate to people is such an important part of management and leadership. – Marne Levine
Alan Schaaf If a whole bunch of users want a specific feature, and we think that feature is pretty cool, too, that that’s just what we’ll do. – Alan Schaaf
Gary Neville I would have been about seven years old when the formative years of my competitive football education began. I was playing in the local leagues around Manchester, playing against lads from tough areas who had been taught they had to fight for everything. – Gary Neville
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