Gord Downie The Bruins have become so much more to me than some boyhood fascination. – Gord Downie Boyhood Quotes Bruins Quotes Fascination Quotes I’m grateful for the friendships and being able to show it, for people’s dancing pleasure. Rock ‘n’ roll is not unlike love. You find it oddly strangely comforting that no matter how old you get, when it comes to matters of the heart, you’re always 15 inside.
Matteo SalviniSociety We are under attack. Our culture, society, traditions, and way of life are at risk. – Matteo Salvini
Robert Beltran The idea of leaving any species to die in its own filth when you have the ability to help them, just because you wanna let them get through their normal evolutionary processes is bunk – it’s a bunch of fascist crap. I much prefer the Cub Scout motto. – Robert Beltran
Evelyn Glennie I am really quite fascinated by echo-locating bats and dolphins and have always wondered how sound affects the unconscious brain. – Evelyn Glennie
Sydney Brenner So that’s when I saw the DNA model for the first time, in the Cavendish, and that’s when I saw that this was it. And in a flash you just knew that this was very fundamental. – Sydney Brenner
Brian Ortega Ultimately, I feel like I’m doing everything right. I’m slowly but surely climbing up the ladder. I’m taking out bigger names with every fight. Not just beating them on a point level – I’m finishing every single one of my opponents. – Brian Ortega
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