Peter Jennings The candidate out front on Labor Day has historically been the one who stayed ahead in November. – Peter Jennings Candidate Quotes Day Quotes Historically Quotes Labor Quotes November Quotes Stayed Quotes The one thing that I have done really well in my life is be a father. Scholars will argue with each other about everything.
Carl Honore I’m not a Luddite at all. I love all this stuff. I look at all the gadgets that come out and I think, ‘Oh, this fix works for me. But the rest don’t.’ I’m not genuflecting in front of the God of Newness. – Carl Honore
Ricky Williams I do feel like a loner but I think it’s because I look at things differently than other people. – Ricky Williams
DatingFabolous Look at Jay-Z and Beyonce. Everybody knew Jay and Beyonce were dating. They were sitting around at award shows together like they weren’t together for a while before they came out and said whatever. But your life doesn’t always have to be exposed. There are a lot of people whose personal lives aren’t exposed. – Fabolous
Chris Messina I don’t have much interest in gingerbread houses – except in eating them. – Chris Messina
Michelle Carter You have to understand, everyone’s body was built to do something. I was built to do something, and that’s how I was built. I think the world is realizing we were promoting one body type, and there have always been many. – Michelle Carter
Cardi B I’m on my phone 24-7. I see everything. I hear everything. I am the voice of the streets. – Cardi B
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