Fiona Hill The capital city of Grozny in Chechnya was reduced completely to rubble, and Putin thought this was worthwhile because it kept the state together. – Fiona Hill Capital Quotes Chechnya Quotes City Quotes Completely Quotes Grozny Quotes Putin Quotes Reduced Quotes Rubble Quotes Worthwhile Quotes President Trump understands that President Putin does not like to be insulted. Putin takes it very personally. He harbors a grudge. He doesn’t forget. And he will find some way of getting some degree of revenge as a result of that. I got a PhD from Harvard and a few years later, there was a girl from Sunderland who hadn’t got into Oxford or Cambridge, even though she’d got perfect A-levels. Harvard asked me to come and recruit her because I was recruited out of university by Harvard – they were trying to show that people could make it.
Clifford D Simak When I talk of the purpose of life, I am thinking not only of human life, but of all life on Earth and of the life which must exist upon other planets throughout the universe. – Clifford D Simak
Alan ShepardScience I didn’t mind studying. Obviously math and the physical science subjects interested me more than some of the more artistic subjects, but I think I was a pretty good student. – Alan Shepard
George Soros The people currently in charge have forgotten the first principle of an open society, namely that we may be wrong and that there has to be free discussion. That it’s possible to be opposed to the policies without being unpatriotic. – George Soros
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