Ban Ki-moon The catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons require that it be treated as a top priority. Disarmament will work better than any alternative in reducing the risk of use. – Ban Ki-moon Alternative Quotes Catastrophic Quotes Consequences Quotes Disarmament Quotes Humanitarian Quotes Nuclear Quotes Priority Quotes Reducing Quotes Require Quotes Risk Quotes Treated Quotes Weapons Quotes Within the U.N. itself, I have appointed a record number of women to high-level positions. I did not fill jobs with women just for the sake of it – I looked for the best possible candidate, and I found that if you strip away discrimination, the best possible candidate is often a woman. The true measure of success for the U.N. is not how much we promise, but how much we deliver for those who need us most.
Erwin Rommel In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine. – Erwin Rommel
George Monbiot If commercial fishing were excluded from large areas of the sea, the total catch would be likely, paradoxically, to rise, due to what biologists call the spillover effect. – George Monbiot
Orson Bean One of the things I’m proudest of, one year on my refrigerator, I taped a Christmas card from the Republican National Committee and season’s greetings from Gus Hall of the American Communist Party. They both stayed up their months and I’m proud of it. – Orson Bean
Panos Cosmatos I feel happy working in the low-budget realm, doing stuff that is a little bit more esoteric, and personal. – Panos Cosmatos
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