Fyodor Dostoevsky The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month. – Fyodor Dostoevsky Calls Quotes Cleverest Quotes Fool Quotes Month Quotes Opinion Quotes We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken. Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded.
Frances Tiafoe To see my brother, see my friends, I think it builds character for me, just being accountable for myself. – Frances Tiafoe
Chris Evans I really try to spend as little time as possible on grooming. I think if you have a good moisturizer and a solid razor to clean up the beard, you’re golden. – Chris Evans
Joseph Kosinski Disney’s clearly in the business of doing giant tent pole movies based on properties that they own. And that’s what they should be doing because they’re great at doing that. – Joseph Kosinski
Christoph Waltz Our hubris needs to be downsized, thinking that profiteering on Earth, on whatever level – environmentally, economically, culturally – is unlimited and everybody should get as much as he wants or she wants. Humans need to be shrunk again to their actual size. – Christoph Waltz
Haris Pasovic I learned a lot about Ottoman court, and it was very Shakespearian in essence. Stories like the one in ‘Hamlet’ did happen several times in the 500 years of Ottoman history. – Haris Pasovic
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