DesignRalph Lauren The clothes that I design and everything I’ve done is about life and how people live and how they want to live and how they dream they’ll live. That’s what I do. – Ralph Lauren Clothes Quotes Design Quotes Dream Quotes Life Quotes Live Quotes People Quotes I want my clothes, my stores, everything I design to have that feeling of being natural and easy. And that takes effort, but you try not to have it show. I went to my boss, and I said, ‘Look, I’d like to design these ties because I think they could be new.’ He said, ‘The world isn’t ready for Ralph Lauren.’ I never forgot that because… I thought that was a compliment.
Roddy Piper Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies’ is a comedy. It was fun. You just don’t take it serious. You just go there, get your popcorn, and sit down. – Roddy Piper
Peter Jennings I don’t think anybody who looks carefully at us thinks that we are a left-wing or a right-wing organization. – Peter Jennings
Peter DeFazio The U.S. cannot force Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds to make peace or to act for the common good. They have been in conflict for 1,400 years. – Peter DeFazio
David Lyons For a foreigner, L.A. is such a big, wonderful and weird place that, until you find your niche, you feel a little bit discombobulated. – David Lyons
Madeleine M Kunin A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure. – Madeleine M Kunin
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