Brandon Webb The collapse of the Soviet Union could not have been a source of national pride for many in Russia. The one person who has capitalized on this the most has been Vladimir Putin. – Brandon Webb Capitalized Quotes Collapse Quotes National Quotes Person Quotes Pride Quotes Putin Quotes Russia Quotes Source Quotes Soviet Quotes Union Quotes Vladimir Quotes World records aren’t broken in practice, and competitive environments and adversity are the birthplace of champions. I am not a tall man.
Morgan Fairchild What triggered a migraine for me may have no effect on someone else. For many people, coffee can relieve symptoms somewhat, but for me it was a trigger. You really have to find out what affects you individually. – Morgan Fairchild
HealthThomas Keating Redemption basically is about holistic health, if you want to translate it into modern parlance. What I suggest – based on the Christian tradition but not often preached – is that you can’t enter into the fullness of the Pascal mystery of the redemption unless there is a radical transformation of motivation within you. – Thomas Keating
Maria das Gracas Silva Foster We didn’t have much money. My whole extended family used to help us, and buy us books and food. It was hard, and there were things I didn’t want to talk about. But at the end I was a happy girl. – Maria das Gracas Silva Foster
Joseph Dunford From my perspective, to really be ready, we can’t afford to have these deep degradations in readiness associated with personnel turbulence post-deployment. – Joseph Dunford
CarMarriagePrince Philip When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife. – Prince Philip
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