Lisa Bonet The Cosby years were a major part of my life, but it is the past; I don’t really concentrate on it. – Lisa Bonet Concentrate Quotes Cosby Quotes Life Quotes Major Quotes We use a Native American tradition of the talking stick. You sit and pass it around and whoever has the stick has to talk. Some people just hold it. Others really share. That industry expects you to prove yourself over and over again. Do I stay doing this, or do I raise my daughter and live surrounded by people who love me? Wasn’t even really a choice.
Kaki King I definitely associate music with color. For example, my first record has a red cover but it is totally green and blue to me. – Kaki King
John McWhorter Every third person in the world is a drama queen. And crying ‘victim,’ especially when you’re not really a victim in any real way, feels good. It feels good to cry victim if you’re not one. – John McWhorter
Dinah Jane With the advances in technology, it’s so easy connecting to our fans. There’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I try to reach out to them. I try to update them on what’s happening in my life, what books I’m reading, or whatever I do. – Dinah Jane
Ezekiel Elliott I wouldn’t say I’m a victim of high expectations. The expectations are going to be there. – Ezekiel Elliott
Mia Sara My style was nostalgic and involved pearls and penny loafers, always with the pennies in them. – Mia Sara
Moeen Ali We’re a tight-knit city in Birmingham. We have so much around us that brings the people together, no matter who you are or your background. – Moeen Ali
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