Eric Schneiderman The credit reporting system suffers from inaccuracy and often from outright injustice. – Eric Schneiderman Credit Quotes Inaccuracy Quotes Injustice Quotes Outright Quotes Reporting Quotes Suffers Quotes You can’t have some institutions that are protected by the law, not allowed to fail, and not held to account, and all the other companies in America are allowed to fail. You can’t have equal justice under law and too big to fail. The president and I had much more important stuff to talk about than Donald Trump. I’ve never discussed Mr. Trump with the president of the United States.
Ne-Yo Me as an artist, I’m more notorious for writing songs that celebrate women, songs that are all about the positive element of the immensely confusing creature that is woman. – Ne-Yo
PowerVint Cerf Information flow is what the Internet is about. Information sharing is power. If you don’t share your ideas, smart people can’t do anything about them, and you’ll remain anonymous and powerless. – Vint Cerf
Jessica Brown Findlay You don’t automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama. – Jessica Brown Findlay
Lizz Wright I’d listen to the radio, especially when my parents were out on house calls to pray for people – you know, shut-ins. Sometimes, if we were incredibly sneaky, we could do it at night when everyone was asleep. – Lizz Wright
Claire Foy As an actor, there’s nothing worse than the sound of ‘seven years’. I’m sure to some people it sounds amazing, but to us, it’s, like, seven years of playing the same person. – Claire Foy
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