David Tang The crux of the matter was… the partnership between Richemont and myself was going sour for personal reasons, and you know, you can’t have two people arguing all the time, so it was either my buying him out or him buying me out. – David Tang Arguing Quotes Buying Quotes Crux Quotes Matter Quotes Partnership Quotes People Quotes Personal Quotes Reasons Quotes Richemont Quotes Sour Quotes Time Quotes There is no point mucking around and saying we are just going to have one or two shops and that’s it… we are going to reach, you know, 40 shops around the world. I want 150 shops in China. I shout at people… I am told that I’m a tyrant, but I still get things done, so that is fine.
BirthdayKevin Jonas For my 21st birthday, my now-wife, at the time girlfriend, flew across the country and showed up at my house. – Kevin Jonas
DJ Yella If we did another tour, we probably would have stuck together. But a lot of little things happened with people coming in and talking behind the scenes. – DJ Yella
Dorothy HamillTeen In my teen years leading up to the Olympics, I loved having the excuse to skip out on parties because of skating. Partying wasn’t my thing anyway. Mostly I hung out with other skaters. We were all buddies, so it’s not like I missed out on socializing. I was really enjoying myself. – Dorothy Hamill
GraduationMaya Lin I went through withdrawal when I got out of graduate school. It’s what you learn, what you think. That’s all that counts. – Maya Lin
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