Jim Gerlach The Delaware Estuary has sustained a human population for thousands of years, but by the end of the 19th Century, increased population and industrialization had transformed much of the upper Estuary watershed. – Jim Gerlach Century Quotes Delaware Quotes Estuary Quotes Human Quotes Increased Quotes Industrialization Quotes Population Quotes Sustained Quotes Thousands Quotes Transformed Quotes Upper Quotes Watershed Quotes Further, not only the United States, but the French, British, Germans and the United Nations all thought Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction before the United States intervened. Since its enactment in the weeks following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the tools in the Patriot Act have been used by law enforcement to stop more than 400 terrorist threats to our families and communities.
Dave Myers It was mid-life crisis time and you can’t have more of a mid-life crisis than going off on a motorbike. – Dave Myers
Ben PeekFinance I grew up reading ‘2000 AD’ and the occasional Transformers and GI Joe comic, but when I could finance comics myself, I lasted only a little reading superheroes. – Ben Peek
Maddie Marlow We wrote ‘Fly’ in such a vulnerable place where we weren’t sure if we had what it took or we would ever make it. Now to have that song on country radio and have our fans singing it back is just wild, because we remember that exact moment, feeling that way. – Maddie Marlow
Garth Risk Hallberg Reading isn’t about managing expectations. In certain ways, writing is. You’re trying to send signals early in a book about what might be coming later, but I think worrying about the kind of chatter around a book is something I try and stay as far away from when I’m reading. – Garth Risk Hallberg
Gordon Hayward There’s not too many 5-10 basketball players that make it, let alone play college and make it to the NBA. – Gordon Hayward
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