Hakeem OlajuwonPeaceReligionRespect The difference must be distinguished between worship and respect. Islam orders you to obey and respect, as long as you are not worshiping anything other than God… Islam is a religion of peace. You don’t attack. You explain. – Hakeem Olajuwon Attack Quotes Difference Quotes Distinguished Quotes Explain Quotes God Quotes Hakeem Olajuwon Quotes Islam Quotes Obey Quotes Peace Quotes Religion Quotes Respect Quotes Worship Quotes Worshiping Quotes Religion brings to man an inner strength, spiritual light, and ineffable peace. Just as ‘Islam’ literally means ‘peace,’ none of the 99 names of Allah mean violence. Similarly, every religion in the world stands for peace, compassion, and brotherhood.
Newt Gingrich Part of why the Tea Party so deeply threatened the elite media is the tea party looked around and suddenly realized, there are more of us than there are of them. – Newt Gingrich
Cafu What impresses me most is Bastian Schweinsteiger. He is a complete player who has been an enormous help to his team, Bayern. – Cafu
Stephen Moore The historical evidence shows that shareholders usually greatly benefit from mergers. – Stephen Moore
Arturo O'Farrill Culture is a fluid, ongoing process. People tend to look at culture in a fixed time but it’s constantly moving and evolving, as is the conversation between Americans and Cubans. – Arturo O’Farrill
Jef I Richards Congress seems to believe that ‘Children are our future’ is a phrase coined by tobacco advertisers. – Jef I Richards
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