Justine Skye The-Dream was like my diary. I would sit there and talk his ear off about all my guy situations; he would just turn my stories into songs. – Justine Skye Diary Quotes Ear Quotes Guy Quotes Sit Quotes Situations Quotes Songs Quotes Stories Quotes Talk Quotes Thedream Quotes My hair color is super important to my look because I feel like it helps kind of define who I am. It’s like a characteristic of mine that makes me feel comfortable and different from the rest. Jeremih is a dope artist.
Julie Delpy I wasn’t born an artist. I was really good in science as a kid. I probably shouldn’t have been an artist because I’m much more interested in science. But I was raised by artists. I can’t really escape it. – Julie Delpy
Ryszard Kapuscinski Do not be misled by the fact that you are at liberty and relatively free; that for the moment you are not under lock and key: you have simply been granted a reprieve. – Ryszard Kapuscinski
Curtis Jackson Hip-hop – it’s the safari: it allows people who aren’t under those circumstances to come closer to inner-city life, to explore it without actually being in danger. It’s something kids in middle America indulge in to be rebellious. – Curtis Jackson
Ana Ivanovic There aren’t many woman coaches in general, and I actually think it’s good to have a male coach. Guys and girls have different mentalities. Girls are so stressed about everything. Guys take everything much more lightly. That’s great, and it’s something we have to learn from. I think one woman on a team is enough! – Ana Ivanovic
Joshua Kimmich We as footballers, like with Sancho, have a lot of power to reach other people, to be role models and to say something. What we say to people outside gives us a big chance to make a statement. – Joshua Kimmich
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