Sixto Rodriguez The earth is going to survive, it’s the people that aren’t. – Sixto Rodriguez Earth Quotes People Quotes Survive Quotes I was skeptical about the whole idea of my being in a film. I never left music, I just left the music scene.
Elizabeth DrewTravel Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens the conversation. – Elizabeth Drew
Patrick Stump We’re so busy broadcasting our latest cultural disdain that we scantly notice anything we enjoy. ‘Oh man, this Rebecca Black kid is terrible! Let’s laugh at her!’ has become more culturally relevant than, ‘I really love this new Bilal record.’ – Patrick Stump
Rafer Johnson Tonight I’m going to shower and then just walk for about four hours and look at the moon. – Rafer Johnson
Paul Craig Roberts We need a memorial day to commemorate the victims of neoliberal globalization. – Paul Craig Roberts
Humphrey Carpenter The nice thing about being a writer is that you can make magic happen without learning tricks. – Humphrey Carpenter
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