Andrew Rosenthal The editorial page is where you’ll find our opinions, while the letters columns and the space for Op-Ed contributors are a forum for debate and discussion. – Andrew Rosenthal Columns Quotes Contributors Quotes Debate Quotes Discussion Quotes Editorial Quotes Forum Quotes Letters Quotes Oped Quotes Opinions Quotes Space Quotes An Op-Ed by a Republican criticizing the Democrats, or vice versa, is easy to come by and not that interesting. But a Democrat who takes issue with his or her party, or a Republican who does that, is more valuable. Opinion pages have an impact on public debate, and they sometimes reveal things the government would rather have kept quiet.
Adam Cohen If you’re going to call a book ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History,’ readers will expect some serious carrying on about race, and Thomas Woods Jr. does not disappoint. – Adam Cohen
SE Cupp Sacrifice is putting country before party and principles before politics. It is not defending the indefensible, protecting the powerful, or staying silent in the face of injustice just because you’d like to keep your job. – SE Cupp
Francis X Suarez We’re working on making sure that our incentives are in place and that our legislation promotes crypto and blockchain and is forward-thinking. We want to make sure that we’re creating as much of an equity framework from an educational perspective as we possibly can. – Francis X Suarez
Jeannie Mai For those of us that wake up every day and go to our jobs, we know our worth because we know the value we add to the world. – Jeannie Mai
John Rampton If you don’t have the time or desire to do whatever is being asked of you, say, ‘no.’ Even if you want to bake those cookies for your kid’s fundraiser or take on a new freelancing gig, sometimes you just have to politely decline until you do have the extra time. The other party may be disappointed, but it’s not the end of the world. – John Rampton
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