Norah Vincent The fact that you carried an embryo to term does not make you a mother any more than it makes you an obstetrician. – Norah Vincent Carried Quotes Embryo Quotes Mother Quotes Obstetrician Quotes Term Quotes For native New Yorkers and pilgrims alike, there have been few things more heartbreaking about the protracted aftermath of Sept. 11 than the garish gap in the city’s famous profile, that blank, vacuous space on the horizon where the World Trade Center once so impressively stood. Motherhood is more than a biological imperative.
Liv Bruce I care more about a 15-year-old queer kid in Iowa who wants to know that there’s anything out there that resembles their experience and life than the hip queer person in Brooklyn. – Liv Bruce
Adrian McKinty I studied law at Warwick University, then philosophy at Oxford. I met my wife Leah there. She is American, so I followed her to New York. – Adrian McKinty
Donna Brazile I may not be a trained actor, but I’ve paid my dues. And I mean that literally. I am a fully dues-paid member of SAG/AFTRA. As a political figure, I’ve been called a ‘card carrying’ member of numerous groups that I’m not a member of – and now I’m being called a non-actor when I am literally a card-carrying member of the union for actors. – Donna Brazile
Henry David ThoreauLovePeace Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. – Henry David Thoreau
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