Jake Auchincloss The facts on the ground always drive 90% of the reality of diplomacy. – Jake Auchincloss Diplomacy Quotes Drive Quotes Ground Quotes Reality Quotes As an infantry platoon commander in Helmand Province, my mission was to patrol three villages subject to Taliban influence. In tandem with the Afghan police, we tried to establish rapport with tribal elders, to root out Taliban abettors and to generally underwrite security. If you will not have rules, you will have rulers.
Gay Talese I am writing about people who are alive in the city of New York during mid-20th-century America. And these people are like a character in a play or they are figures in a short story or a novel. – Gay Talese
David Leavitt The Term Paper Artist’ represents two models of writing, one of the little boy bouncing his ball, generating stories for the sheer pleasure of it, and the besieged adult, writing to make a living, having to contend with a very competitive, very unreliable world in which public image counts. – David Leavitt
Gene Luen YangMoving On This is a profession for me, but I started off as a self-publisher working on my own schedule and my own stuff before moving on to graphic novels with First Second Books, where there was definitely a schedule, but it was very different from monthly comics. – Gene Luen Yang
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