James Bovard The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people. – James Bovard American Quotes Exploiting Quotes Fear Quotes Federal Quotes Government Quotes People Quotes Public Quotes Redefine Quotes Relationship Quotes Rulers Quotes There are a lot of benefits representative of government and it is far better than any type of dictatorial system and it is far better than a one-man rule situation. Some politicians are aware of the Bill of Rights. It seems that the opposition party is far more likely to invoke it, to wave it in the air, this is what we saw from a lot of republicans during the Clinton Administration, and we are seeing the same from Democrats under Bush.
Daniel Webster Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable. – Daniel Webster
DietEngelbert Humperdinck I work out: I do a little jump-rope. I punch a bag in the gym. I do the treadmill. I do stationary-bike exercise. I maintain a healthy diet. – Engelbert Humperdinck
David WhyteFear Without the compassionate understanding of the fear and trepidation that lie behind courageous speech, we are bound only to our arrogance. – David Whyte
Oscar Isaac Most actors, if you ask them if they play guitar, they’ll say they played guitar for 20 years, but what they really mean is they’ve owned a guitar for 20 years. – Oscar Isaac
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