PK Subban The feeling being back in Montreal, it will never change. Montreal’s going to be home because of the relationships that I’ve built here. – PK Subban Built Quotes Change Quotes Feeling Quotes Montreal Quotes Montreals Quotes Relationships Quotes I love Montreal. I’ve always loved the city. And when it really comes down to it I never envisioned myself playing for any other team other than the Montreal Canadiens. Just like any other brothers that have ever played with each other or played against each other, it’s a pretty special moment when you do it.
Angela Scanlon I have always wished I was a twin. Identical ideally, so I could cheat in school, mess with people’s heads and also have a full-on telepathic partner in crime. – Angela Scanlon
Luca Toni To win the Champions League, a team doesn’t just need 11 professionals on the pitch, it needs 11 Lions, if you can use such an expression in Munich. – Luca Toni
Gary Lineker Fundamentally, footballers don’t look around a dressing room and think, ‘He’s a black player… he’s Japanese.’ They don’t think like that. They think, ‘He’s a good player; he can help. He’s not very good.’ I’m not trying to defend anyone’s actions, but there are going to be isolated incidents because it’s an emotive, passionate sport. – Gary Lineker
David Prowse Not much to be perfectly honest! I thought The Phantom Menace was terrible, except for the Pod Race. – David Prowse
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