Bonnie Raitt The fifth member of my band is my non-profit work. – Bonnie Raitt Band Quotes Nonprofit Quotes There were so many great music and political scenes going on in the late ’60s in Cambridge. The ratio of guys to girls at Harvard was four to one, so all of those things were playing in my mind. I’m sure I would have been considered a more significant artist if I was a singer-songwriter. It’s just not the way I roll. I love being a curator and a musicologist. People write me letters and thank me for turning them on to Fred McDowell and Sippie Wallace, and that’s partly my job this time around.
Marcelo Zizou was very good to me as he was a professional, and I did everything for him; I ran, I fought, I played injured. Practically, I gave everything for Zidane. – Marcelo
Danielle Bregoli Cardi actually says stuff. Nicki just has attitude. So what. Big deal. – Danielle Bregoli
Ashley Scott I have a hard time retaining the lines. Even on set I make mistakes but I’m okay with that. – Ashley Scott
John Barry There certainly is a lot of political pressure for states to adopt the new federal tax codes. But there is no law that requires them to do so. – John Barry
Denis O'Hare I think it was 1987 – something like that – or ’86, and I thought, ‘When you go equity and you’re gonna get paid, you’ll finally be able to make a living.’ But it was not to be so. I always bartended and waited tables so I ended up not doing theater for about a year because nobody would hire me. – Denis O’Hare
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