Jonathan Dee The first draft often is really fast, and I’d be terribly ashamed if anybody ever saw it. – Jonathan Dee Ashamed Quotes Draft Quotes Fast Quotes Terribly Quotes You never want to be in a position where your reader feels like you’re passing judgment on your own characters. Any novel where you feel like the author is talking to the reader over the characters’ heads is in a bad place. Kenneth Branagh. There was a time in my life when people would tell me constantly that I look like him. I could do a lot worse than that.
Honore de Balzac Many men are deeply moved by the mere semblance of suffering in a woman; they take the look of pain for a sign of constancy or of love. – Honore de Balzac
Patty Mills I’m deeply connected to both sides of my family in ways that I’m not sure I can get across, in ways that many people will never understand. – Patty Mills
Bill Bryson My first rule of consumerism is never to buy anything you can’t make your children carry. – Bill Bryson
Matt Dillon One of my greatest fears is not being able to change, to be caught in a never-ending cycle of sameness. Growth is so important. – Matt Dillon
Betty Buckley T Bone and I grew up together in Fort Worth, Texas. He had his own recording studio by the time he was seventeen years old. When we were both nineteen he made the first archival recording of my voice. – Betty Buckley
Rebecca Traister Being able to control your reproduction is essential to women’s ability to flourish in the United States. – Rebecca Traister
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