Douglas Booth The first lead that I ever played was a young Boy George when I was seventeen. I shaved my eyebrows off. That’s as far from leading man looks as you can get. – Douglas Booth Boy Quotes Eyebrows Quotes George Quotes Lead Quotes Leading Quotes Played Quotes Seventeen Quotes Shaved Quotes I love history, and Churchill is one of my favorite people to study. He’s a fascinating, fascinating man. I’m definitely interested in taking on roles where I don’t look like myself. But I’m not saying I’m going to go out of my way to play a disabled person in order to win an Oscar.
Mike McCue What the iPad does is it opens people’s minds to a new way of doing things. They’re actually thirsting for it. – Mike McCue
Jared Cannonier The only thing I said was that I feel us being a major organization on ESPN, UFC athletes should definitely get paid the same that NFL, NBA athletes should, or compensated to a certain degree because injuries, families, all that kind of stuff. – Jared Cannonier
Rex Hunt Life is too precious to worry about what other people are saying or what they think. – Rex Hunt
Denis Napthine While we as members of the Coalition strongly support free speech, it is not unlimited free speech. People aren’t free to vilify others on the basis of race or religion. – Denis Napthine
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