Pavel Durov The first thing that we wanted to make clear is that nobody has to trust anybody. We don’t take people’s trust for Telegram for granted. – Pavel Durov Granted Quotes Peoples Quotes Telegram Quotes Trust Quotes I hope Telegram will be able to rely on the community even more than VK since it’s a non-profit project that hopefully will be able to attract people who share the idea behind it. It’s super-interesting to see what it’s like to run the most popular social media platform in a country like Iran.
Natalya Neidhart I’ve been lucky enough to make history in WWE in many different ways, and I’m never going to stop dreaming big, because that’s what makes life fun! – Natalya Neidhart
Joe Lieberman We have reached an important milestone and achieved a new momentum in reaching a goal all Americans should embrace – building a secure, peaceful, democratic Iraq that is no longer a threat to the United States or the international community. – Joe Lieberman
Steve Whitmire The thing that got me closest to doing Kermit was remembering what Jim did when he was doing Kermit. When he would do Kermit, there were certain faces that he made. There was a certain way he stood, a certain kind of body language that he had. – Steve Whitmire
Rachel Hollis We love pasta at the Hollis home! It’s super easy, and there’s so many different recipes we can make that the boys never get tired of having it. – Rachel Hollis
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