Simon Amstell The first time I got into therapy was when I was 29 – it’s always when I’m about to hit a number. There’s a feeling that comes along like, ‘I can get older, as long as I don’t carry on being the same person.’ It’s like shedding a skin. – Simon Amstell Carry Quotes Feeling Quotes Hit Quotes Person Quotes Shedding Quotes Skin Quotes Therapy Quotes Time Quotes I’m always more scared of things not changing, of not being as alive as I could be. There’s no amount of applause that is going to make you happy.
Severn Cullis-Suzuki Clean air and clean ocean, you can’t translate that into money if you look at the cost to health, cost to fishery industry. – Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Andi Dorfman I want to be able to go on vacations with my friends and not have to think about a man. – Andi Dorfman
Marquinhos It is important for a team to have a goalkeeper who gives us serenity and confidence. – Marquinhos
Carole King Sometimes I get a lyric, and the lyric, you know, comes off the page, and goes into my brain and comes out with a melody. Other times, I may create a melody first. – Carole King
Chris Chibnall I think you can tell different types of stories within a ‘Doctor Who’ two-parter. – Chris Chibnall
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