C S LewisFutureTime The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. – C S Lewis C. S. Lewis Quotes Future Quotes Hour Quotes Minutes Quotes Rate Quotes Reaches Quotes Time Quotes The future doesn’t just happen. We are building it, and we are building it all the time. Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.
George Packer No one pretends anymore that the Olympics are just about sports. It’s routine to talk about what effect holding the Games in this or that capital will have on the host country’s international reputation, how a nation’s prestige can be raised by its medal count. – George Packer
John Mahoney So much luck! I’m not putting myself down, I’m not saying I don’t have talent – I must have, to have got this far – but I honestly believe that some of the greatest actors in America are tending bar and waiting tables and driving taxis, and it will never happen for them. – John Mahoney
Sally Mann I was just taking pictures to see what they looked like. Just for the fun of it. It wasn’t about anything in some cases. Some of them were just about the joy of opening up an aperture and seeing what shows up. – Sally Mann
Kevin Brady What I’m absolutely certain of is, every day we delay in accessing that Asia-Pacific region, the more we lose economically. – Kevin Brady
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