Amelia Barr The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them. – Amelia Barr Difference Quotes Meet Quotes People Quotes Rests Quotes Ships Quotes Voyages Quotes Whatever the scientists may say, if we take the supernatural out of life, we leave only the unnatural. But what do we know of the heart nearest to our own? What do we know of our own heart?
S Jay Olshansky The vast majority of studies say anti-aging supplements don’t work. – S Jay Olshansky
Colson Whitehead You can raze the old buildings and erect magnificent corporate towers, hose down Port Authority, but you can’t change people. – Colson Whitehead
Robert Sheckley I’ve always thought of absurdism as a French fad I’d like to belong to. – Robert Sheckley
Norah Vincent The fact that you carried an embryo to term does not make you a mother any more than it makes you an obstetrician. – Norah Vincent
Beeban Kidron There’s something about actors – not stars, but actors – if they have the character, and someone is pushing and shoving them to be the best they can be, they enjoy that. – Beeban Kidron
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