Natalya Neidhart The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that you have to fight and continue to strive for greatness, as nothing great ever comes easily. – Natalya Neidhart Continue Quotes Easily Quotes Fight Quotes Greatness Quotes Learned Quotes Lesson Quotes Strive Quotes For many years prior to landing my big break with WWE, I learned a lot about uphill battles. I had to scratch and claw day after day for a really big dream that, at many times, seemed totally impossible. Life’s been a rollercoaster for me, but I think we can all agree on enduring ups and downs. I’ve yet to meet a person who hasn’t gone through something major in their life.
David Attenborough I’d like to see the giant squid. Nobody has ever seen one. I could tell you people who have spent thousands and thousands of pounds trying to see giant squid. I mean, we know they exist because we have seen dead ones. But I have never seen a living one. Nor has anybody else. – David Attenborough
Jessica Raine I’m certainly not squeamish at all. The countryside makes you very aware of birth and death. – Jessica Raine
MO I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would actually be singing on a top 10 Billboard song. – MO
Carly Pearce I spent so many years acting as my own booking agent and manager, just to get out there and play shows. You have to show you really want it. – Carly Pearce
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