Robert MacNeil The greatest luxury is being able to go to movies and plays now and then in the afternoons. – Robert MacNeil Afternoons Quotes Luxury Quotes Movies Quotes Plays Quotes I’m happy to have my own opinion and air it when I think it’s necessary. After I became a citizen, I felt freer to say what I thought about this country, both negative and positive. I think I had been, consciously and subconsciously, biting my tongue in the past.
AngerRachel Maddow I’m not a screamer. I’m confrontational, but I don’t think that translates into anger. – Rachel Maddow
Barry Schwartz Too little attention is paid to the dark side of incentives. They are anything but a magic bullet. Psychologists have known this for years, but it seems largely hidden from the world of commerce. – Barry Schwartz
Enric Sala The Ocean Health Index is like the thermometer of the ocean. It will allow us to take the temperature to know what is going on at the global level, trying to integrate different impacts, including overfishing, invasive species, coastal development, and climate change. – Enric Sala
Nell Scovell Constant exercise can keep the body trim and taut, but the face is another thing. – Nell Scovell
Andrea Jeremiah People still make all sorts of assumptions about me. I’ve just gone past the point of caring. – Andrea Jeremiah
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