GreatWilliam James The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. – William James Ability Quotes Choose Quotes Great Quotes Stress Quotes Weapon Quotes It’s always great to see old friends, especially those I have not been able to see in 15 months. What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today, but revisiting this painful past can contribute little or nothing to what we need to do now.
Katie Pavlich Trump did not reverse a policy that allows the mentally ill to purchase firearms as reporters, media pundits and anti-Second Amendment activists have recklessly claimed. Instead, he’s given millions of individuals their constitutional rights back. – Katie Pavlich
David Liss In my research, what I found most interesting was how common and ordinary magic was to people in the past. – David Liss
Jane Welsh Carlyle The surest way to get a thing in this life is to be prepared for doing without it, to the exclusion even of hope. – Jane Welsh Carlyle
Steven Rattner India’s rigid social structure limits intergenerational economic mobility and fosters acceptance of vast wealth disparities. – Steven Rattner
Anne-Marie Duff I’m a right pain in the hole for my agent. I won’t take certain parts if I think they’re offensive or banal. For instance, I won’t do a film if I think it’s full of violence for violence’s sake, or a television drama if I don’t think it’s intelligent writing. – Anne-Marie Duff
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