Christian Lous Lange The growth of means of transport has created a world market and an opportunity for division of labor embracing all the developed and most of the undeveloped states. – Christian Lous Lange Created Quotes Developed Quotes Division Quotes Embracing Quotes Growth Quotes Labor Quotes Market Quotes Opportunity Quotes Transport Quotes Undeveloped Quotes The simultaneous reactions elicited all over the world by the reading of newspaper dispatches about the same events create, as it were, a common mental pulse beat for the whole of civilized mankind. It is characteristic that this should take place just when it is becoming more and more clear to all who think about the matter, that technically and economically we have left the territorial state behind us.
Jeff Kinney I really wanted to be a newspaper cartoonist, but nobody liked my work. I didn’t have the control or flair that was necessary to create something that didn’t look childish. – Jeff Kinney
Katie Lee Bobby Flay has become a great mentor to me. He’s one of my very best friends and kind of like a big brother, and I always feel like I can go to him for any kind of advice. – Katie Lee
Adora Svitak Like probably a lot of people, I came away from watching films like ‘Miss Representation’ and ‘Half the Sky’ with the realization that the battle for women’s rights is not over, especially not globally, and that the moral imperative of our century is to achieve full rights for everyone regardless of gender. – Adora Svitak
Laura Jane Grace I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and I’ve kept journals since I was eight years old. – Laura Jane Grace
Richard Engel Osama Bin Laden is dead. Killed not by a massive troop deployment but by a commando raid carried out by a few dozen highly trained men and helicopters. – Richard Engel
Milo Ventimiglia I got very lucky with the family I was born into. From my older sisters to my mother and father, they’re just good, kind-hearted people. – Milo Ventimiglia
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