Howard E Wasdin The guy who finally pulled the trigger on Osama bin Laden is not patting himself on the back. He’s giving as much credit to his teammates who got him to that position. – Howard E Wasdin Bin Quotes Credit Quotes Finally Quotes Guy Quotes Laden Quotes Osama Quotes Patting Quotes Position Quotes Pulled Quotes Teammates Quotes Trigger Quotes Seal Team Six is a different unit than the rest of the SEAL teams inasmuch as they concentrate primarily on one thing, counter-terrorism, hostage rescue. All SEALS in my mind are equally elite. It doesn’t matter if you’re SEAL Team Two, One, Six, 10, it doesn’t matter. All SEALS are equally elite.
Mia Love My parents immigrated to the United States with $10 in their pocket and a belief that the America they had heard about really did exist as the land of opportunity. – Mia Love
Al JarreauCommunication What I try to get beyond is playing music at people and, instead, to play music with people because audience members are constantly part of the experience. What they say in their body language, what they say in their eyes, what they sing with me… it’s an ‘us,’ and there’s a communication that’s like… it’s like church, man. – Al Jarreau
Kevin Harvick Experience will always win in this sport. That experience helps with a lot of things, even in the race shop. You are going to have experience in certain scenarios where you can make those right decisions. – Kevin Harvick
Alexander Skarsgard I’m always going with my visceral reaction when I read a script. I am more drawn to characters who are conflicted, and in developing a character exploration. If it’s a baddie, I’m rarely intrigued, and if it’s a goody two-shoes – too much of a good guy – I’m not, either. – Alexander Skarsgard
Pam GrierRelationship Driving a cab is not really a nurturing type of relationship. You take people and they tip you, they may not tip you, you don’t know their names, they don’t care about you, you don’t care about them. – Pam Grier
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