Conor Lamb The health and safety of the residents of our region continues to be my highest priority. – Conor Lamb Continues Quotes Health Quotes Priority Quotes Region Quotes Residents Quotes Safety Quotes Amtrak should not preclude their customers from exercising their full rights through a forced arbitration policy. I will keep working with both parties in the House to get things done for people in our District.
Keith Thurman I’ve always known what I wanted for myself. I was 10 years old when I said nobody is going to be the boss of me. And I shocked a lot of people with that statement. I mean, I can barely listen to my own mother – how am I going to have a boss, you know? – Keith Thurman
Judi Dench People seem to have this idea that I’ve always been very ambitious. Nothing could be further from the truth. – Judi Dench
Scott Parker The facts are, the reality is, you can’t really enjoy it. You win a football match and by the time you get to Saturday night, having a beer or a Chinese, you’re already thinking about Monday morning, the next game. – Scott Parker
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