David Hewson The hearing test, which involved sitting in a quiet room listening to noises of various pitch played through headphones, confirmed the worst. I had no hearing in my left ear whatsoever. – David Hewson Confirmed Quotes Ear Quotes Headphones Quotes Hearing Quotes Involved Quotes Left Quotes Listening Quotes Noises Quotes Pitch Quotes Played Quotes Quiet Quotes Sitting Quotes Whatsoever Quotes Worst Quotes Viral infections, such as mumps, rubella and meningitis, cause inflammation of the inner ear or auditory nerve, resulting in permanent damage. Although I’m deaf in only my left ear, when there is noise all around, I’m unable to distinguish sounds and can’t hear anything.
Shakti Mohan Dance India Dance’ has been a platform that has changed my life and given me so many new opportunities. – Shakti Mohan
Debra Granik My ego is one thing. Of course I want people to like what I do. Of course. There’s no doubt. You wouldn’t do it. But I think what people don’t fully know is how responsible you feel for so many entities. So many hardworking people who’ve collaborated. – Debra Granik
Rudy Vallee As for radio and movies, I like the movies better, although the work is much harder. The cinema has microphone technique, staging, and glamour all wrapped up into one. – Rudy Vallee
Scott Parker We live in a world and a profession where you win a game, you lose the next one and you’re deemed a failure. – Scott Parker
ChanceNatureTed Williams Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game. – Ted Williams
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