Dawn Foster The homeless often feel invisible, allowed to plummet through widening holes in the social safety net, then hidden in doorways from which people avert their eyes. – Dawn Foster Allowed Quotes Avert Quotes Doorways Quotes Eyes Quotes Feel Quotes Hidden Quotes Holes Quotes Homeless Quotes Invisible Quotes People Quotes Plummet Quotes Safety Quotes Social Quotes Widening Quotes The majority of us don’t do what’s best for us all the time because life is complicated and busy – and creating excuses is so much easier than getting on with the business of wellbeing. Bullying leaves permanent psychological scarring and young people become adept at learning what hurts, verbally and psychologically. Looks, personality and status are all easy targets, and particularly difficult to change.
Pete Doherty Each man kills the things he loves. I recognise that in myself – in relationships, even with guitars – beautiful things that I’ve had and wilfully destroyed. – Pete Doherty
Oscar My father loved to play the game, he never became a professional but when he was younger everyone would say he was good enough and when I heard people talking about him, I wanted to emulate him. So I started to play. – Oscar
Mike Jackson Well, the U.N. Security Council resolution 1973 is very clear. It says all necessary measures to be taken to protect civilians and civilian areas. I mean, that to me is very clear. – Mike Jackson
Alvaro Morata I really like London now. But probably, in the future, when I need to bring my child to the school and take up a school, when I finish my career, I’d prefer to come back to my country. It’s normal. For me, I prefer the place I was born. – Alvaro Morata
KnowledgeRamana Maharshi Time is only an idea. There is only the Reality. Whatever you think it is, it looks like that. If you call it time, it is time. If you call it existence, it is existence, and so on. After calling it time, you divide it into days and nights, months, years, hours, minutes, etc. Time is immaterial for the Path of Knowledge. – Ramana Maharshi
John Catsimatidis There are two New Yorks – Manhattan and everything else. I’m a Manhattanite. I feel sorry for those people who aren’t. – John Catsimatidis
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