Henry Taylor The hope, and not the fact, of advancement, is the spur to industry. – Henry Taylor Advancement Quotes Hope Quotes Industry Quotes Spur Quotes Where there are large powers with little ambition, nature may be said to have fallen short of her purposes. He who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self sacrifice.
Justin Kirk Had a dog. I had many. I grew up in rural Washington before I moved to the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and my first dog was – his name first was Bear, but then it changed to Big, and he sort of looked like Old Yeller. And then we also had a three-legged dog named Foxy, who we found because her leg was in a trap. – Justin Kirk
Dawn O'Porter I read a lot until was about 12, then as a teenager I was more interested in kissing boys. But I kept a diary for a few years, so words were a big part of my teenage years. – Dawn O’Porter
Chris Tucker I love traveling. It not only opens my mind up, but it also allows me to use my fame in another way through humanitarian works and stuff, and being an influence around the world. – Chris Tucker
Nancy Wilson I feel like I’ve had a lot of painful situations that I intentionally delete from my memory. – Nancy Wilson
CoolRhys Darby My youngest son has a very clear idea of what he wants to be when he grows up: he wants to be Indiana Jones, Batman and Jack Sparrow. Yes, all three at the same time. So he basically wants to be an archaeologist who wears tights and fights crimes on pirate ships. That’s pretty cool, huh? – Rhys Darby
Karen Fukuhara The main issue when it comes to hiring someone from Asia is the language barrier. It’s difficult to book someone when they don’t speak the language and they can’t deliver the lines or even speak to the director. But in terms of Asian-American actresses, we all speak it fluently! – Karen Fukuhara
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