Cynthia Kenyon The hope is that if we can increase youthfulness, we can postpone age-related diseases. – Cynthia Kenyon Agerelated Quotes Diseases Quotes Hope Quotes Increase Quotes Postpone Quotes Youthfulness Quotes Imagine that: If you could change one of the genes in an experiment, an aging gene, maybe you could slow down aging and extend lifespan. With science it’s very important not to go down the wrong path, but the wrong path in science is a path you go down where everything you learn is already known. So you need to steer around the obvious.
Sharon Stone I understand what it’s like to go to hospitals and there’s no medicine, and the best thing you have to give the patients is compassion. – Sharon Stone
Andre Iguodala They make documentaries like ‘Fast Food Nation.’ The food our kids are eating in schools, the vending machines kids go to a lot, the portions of food that American restaurants are serving that are bigger than anywhere else in the world – it’s kind of crazy. – Andre Iguodala
Shaun King The harsh fact of the matter is that this nation has not remotely come to grips with how many of its laws are rooted in slavery and bigoted oppression. After the Civil War, the United States never said, ‘Let’s examine every law and policy and system and structure we have to evaluate whether or not they were created as a tools of oppression.’ – Shaun King
Irwin Redlener Disasters like Oklahoma City and 9/11 were time-limited. The children who were affected psychologically could go to a place of normalcy. – Irwin Redlener
Robin Hayes As a pilot, I can tell you drones may be a lot of things; airplanes they are not. – Robin Hayes
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